Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2. Describe what limit notation for horizontal asymptotes actually means. Well limit notation for horizontal asymptotes
5. Describe the conditions in which a graph can cross through an asymptote.
7. Describe how to write limit notation for vertical asymptotes and what the notation means.
9. Describe how to find the x-intercepts of a rational function. Include both the long way and the shortcut way; explaining the shortcut makes mathematical sense.

Post #8 Unit G

8. How do we find the y-intercept of a rational function? Does this need to be done in the original or simplified equation? We basically just substitute the x's from the original or simplified equation with a 0. solve and you will get your y-intercept or no intercept.

Post #6 Unit G

6. How do we find the appropriate place to plot a hole if the y-value is undefined when plugged into the original equation? Well this one is very simple question, you basically just plug in the x-value to the simplified equation to get the y-value. Then you will have an ordered pair which is easy to plot.

Post #4 Unit G

4. What is the difference between a graph having a vertical asymptote and a graph having a hole ? Well you have to factor both top and bottom and if anything cancels it will be a hole. Once you do that you then have to set the denominator equal to zero and solve. For a vertical asymptote the graphs can never ever cross through a vertical asymptote. A graph with a hole will have an open circle which means its a hole.

Post #3 Unit G

3. When does a graph have a slant asymptote? How would find the equation of the slant asymptote? Well first of all in order to have a slant asymptote the degree of the top has to be one degree bigger then the degree on the bottom. So you have to use long division and everything but your remainder is now the equation.

Post #1 Unit G

1. How do we know if a graph has a horizontal asymptote? What are the three options? Well first of all we have to compare the degrees of the numerator and denominator. Then if there is a bigger degree on bottom the asymptote is y=0. If they have the same degrees the asymptote is the ratio of the coefficients. Then lastly if the bigger degree is on top there will be no horizontal asymptote.We know a graph has a horizontal asymptote when the bigger degree is on the bottom. If this is so, y will equal zero. If the degree is the same, the asymptote is the ratio of the coefficient. If the bigger degree is on the top there will be no asymptote.