Friday, February 1, 2013

Parabola Conic Section

1. Parabola, a parabola is that any point from the focus to the parabola, perpendicular to the directix will be equal in length. It plays the role of a parabola is that we can then tell if the parabola works cause the distance from any point to perpendicular to the directix will be the same distance. The shape is symetrical.
2. Well the "P" in a parabola will make the parabola either skinny or wide. If the P is small for example, 1/4 it will be really skinny. On the other hand if it is large like for example 5 it will be really wide. 3. well for a parabola, there is a 3 dimensinal figure which is called a plate. This shape allows to send waves of information. Due to the structure it allows you to communicate better in sending waves for example a dish from cable.