Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Student Problem unit I

This Unit consists of graphs. First of all we look at our equation and identify the a,b,h,and k. We know that the k will be the asymptote in this problem and in any problem. Since we have to find 4 points you suggested to start with the h as the 3rd one, as for this problem is -2. We go down a number up and up one number down, example -2 next "x" up is -3 then -4. The number next down from -2 in -1.
The x and y-intercepts are amoung the easiest to find, we simply substitute the y with a zero and solve. In this exanmple there is no x-intercept because as you can see the horizontal asymptote is 1. If you solve it you will get no solution. As for the y-intercept you substitue x for 0 and then solve in this problem we got y=13 so the y-intercept in (0,13). The Domain ask for all the x values available in this problem all of them are. The range will be otherwise since there is a horizontal aysmptote, in this problem it will be (1, infinity). Finally as for the graph we plug in the points we got when we subsituted the "x"s to get the new "y"s and get our graph. 

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