Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Student problem 2 unit I

First of all for this problem we will have no a or b. Since this problem consists of logs we will only have an H and a K. For this problem we can identify the h as -1 and the k as 3. In these types of log problems the h will be the vertical asymptote in this case x= -1. For the key points we can use any numbers to the right of the asymptote to plug in and make it a  more accurate graph. The x and y intercepts are always found by, for x pulg in y as 0 then solve to get your answer.Where as for the y-intercept you pulg in 0 for the x.
Well in this problem for the key points I used the x values 0,1,2,and 3. These are valid since they are to the right of the vertical asymptote. The Domain for this one will have restrictions due to the vertical asymptote, in this problem it will be (-1,infinty). Where as for the range we will have no restrictions which will be  (-infinity,infinity).

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